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Love locks at Michaelisbrücke, HAmburg Companion, Elbville

Hamburg For Lovers: Top Tips For Romantic Places To Make Hearts Tremble

With a kiss, more than 100 billion nerve cells come to life and up to 12 calories are burned in the fire of love! Hamburg is a romantic place and there are a lot of opportunities to enjoy some of the hottest kisses ever. Frau Elbville will tell you about some pretty special places where you will be sure to make your sweetie’s heart beat faster.



Erste Liebe

Window of Erste Liebe Bar: Hamburg Companion, Elbville

The Michaelis Bridge on Fleetinsel is a Mecca for padlock romantics. Every time I visit this bridge, it feels like fifty new “Love Locks” dangle at its banisters… Is it a coincidence that the stylish “Erste Liebe” (First Love) bar is right next door? Especially breakfast, most of all the muesli, is great. And it surely is also a wonderful place to enjoy together with your second or third great love of your life.

→ Erste Liebe Bar, Michaelisbrücke 320459 Hamburg I Mo – Fr 09:00 – 20:00, Sa 10:00 – 18:00 I map 

Ahrensburger Schloss

Ahrensburger Schloss: Romantische Orte Hamburg

“Honey, can I be your maîtresse?” This small castle is made for dream princes and princesses. It once belonged to the Danish king, but was acquired by a wealthy merchant from Hamburg in 1759 and is now a beautiful museum on the outskirts of the city. It can be reached in a romantic 20-minute ride on the S-Bahn from Hamburg main station and a 15 minute walk …  

→  Ahrensburger Schloss, Lübecker Str. 1, 22926 Ahrensburg I Mi, Sa, So 11-17 Uhr I map 

Museumshafen Neumühlen

Stühle am Museumshafen Neumühlen, Hamburg Övelgönne

Get a picnic basket. Drinks, snacks, two thick blankets to put on, maybe some candles – and then head for the museum harbour: there are cosy chairs in the sand, from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of the ships and the Elbe. Tip for newcomers to conquer a citizen of Hamburg: It is always a good idea to meet at the beach! For Hamburgers there is nothing more romantic than the glow and quiet rumbling of harbour cranes at night! Have some local Astra beer with you – and hearts will tremble … 

→ Museumshafen Neumühlen, 22763 Hamburg I map

Alte Liebe

Alte Liebe Tättowierstube: Hamburg for Lovers ELbville

I don’t have a tattoo myself. But who knows, if my hubby would bring me to this place in the Eifflerstraße on the edge of the Sternschanze and continue to swear eternal love to me – maybe I would have a very small anchor tattooed under my big toe in honour of us! ; -)

→ Eifflerstraße 32, 22769 Hamburg I Mo – Sa 12:00 -19:00 I map 


Saxifrage Blumenladen Hamburg

Uniqueness grows in this shop from every potty and every vase. This place gets everyone’s hearts set on fire. Saxifraga in the Karolinenviertel is by far the most beautiful little flower shop in the city and a fragrant cabinet of creativity: the walls are olive green, there are cute cushions with poetic sayings and a blooming sea of colour. Absolute madness: the small arrangements and mini-flower-bouquets, I would normally keep by myself instead of giving them away. But, hey, our darlings deserve them, too!

→  Saxifraga, Glashüttenstr. 100, 20357 Hamburg I Mo -Fr 10:00 – 18:30; Sa 10:00 – 16:30 I map


Laiesz-Hof Hamburg Paternoster: Hamburg for Lovers

In the Laeiszhof you will not only find one of the city’s most romantic staircases. This Kontorhaus is also the declaration of love of a merchant from Hamburg to his wife. Carl Laeisz (1828 – 1901), a shipowner, had a penchant for the letter P, which is why his famous sailing ships bore names that all began with P: Padua, Pamir, Passat, Peking…. As if by chance, Carl married a girl named Sophie Knöhr. But because of her curly hair she also listened to the nickname “Pudel” (“Poodle”). And so Carl named not only one of his ships after her, but for Sophie’s sake even put a poodle sculpture on the middle gable of the Laeiszhof. Take a look at Carl’s proof of love! Inside you can ride in one of the last paternoster elevators of Hamburg. It is said that kisses in paternosters should taste particularly exciting.

PS: Do you know my post about Hamburg’s most beautiful spiral staircases? 

→  Trostbrücke 1, 20457 Hamburg  I  map 

Do you know my mobile photo safari? 15 photogenic hot spots at Sternschanze, harbour front, warehouse district & citiy centre. Click here!

Alter Elbtunnel

Elbvilles Hamburg for Lovers: Alter Elbtunnel

Another declaration of love can be found in the Old Elbe Tunnel! The tunnel, completed in 1911, connects St. Pauli and Steinwärder and is considered one of the oldest examples of German engineering. In addition to the numerous ceramic tiles showing eels, lobsters, sturgeons and other animals that once swam in the river Elbe, a relief hangs above the entrance to the tunnel: It shows the architect Otto Stockhausen as he reaches out his hand to his young wife. For 26-year-old Stockhausen, the construction of the tunnel was a time full of privation: he had to live next to the construction site he directed, where he very much missed his girl. Only when the tunnel was completed after four years could they finally get married and go on their honeymoon. The tile reminds us of this unique love story made in Hamburg until today. 

→ Bei den Landungsbrücken, 20359 Hamburg I map


Elbvilles Hamburg Companion: Hamburg for Lovers Schwanenwik

If there is a chance of a beautiful sunset, you should head for the Schwanenwik bridge on the banks of the Alster at Uhlenhorst. Nowhere else the sun sets more dramatically than there. In addition, you will have clear views of the television tower. Romance Galore! 

→ Schwanenwik, 22087 Hamburg I  map 

Liebes Bisschen

Romantischer Ort: Café Liebes Bisschen, Hamburg Ottensen

Because kissing consumes so many calories, it’s okay to eat delicious cakes together as much as you want. You can do so particularly stylish in the Ottenseer Café “Liebes Bisschen”. Especially Wes Anderson fans will get their money’s worth in terms of colour design. Afterwards, why not  watch “Moonrise Kingdom” on your sofa – probably the most romantic scout saga in the world….

→  Spritzenplatz 5, 22765 Hamburg I Mo – Fr 8:00 – 19:00; Sa – So 10:00 – 19:00 I map 

Hamburg for lovers sunset

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